Legal Aspects of Business
Course code: MBA 104 L-T-P Structure: 3-1-0 Maximum Marks: 100 Course Type: Core Course
MODULE – I MERCANTILE AND COMMERCIAL LAW 15 THE INDIAN CONTRACT ACT 1872 Essential of a valid contract, Void Agreements, Definition of contract, Formation of a contract, performance of contracts, breach of contract and its remedies, Quasi contracts THE SALE OF GOODS ACT 1930 Sales contract, Transfer of title and risk of loss, Guarantees and Warranties in sales contract, performance of sales contracts, conditional sales and rights of an unpaid seller. NEGOTIABLE INSTRUMENTS ACT 1881Nature and requisites of negotiable instruments. Transfer of negotiable instruments and liability of parties, enforcement of secondary liability, holder in due course, special rules for Cheque and drafts, discharge of negotiable instruments AGENCYNature of agency – Creation of agency, types of agents, Agent’s authority and liability of principal and third party: Rights and duties of principal, agents and Third party, liability of agents torts, termination of agency
MODULE – II COMPANY LAW Major principles – Nature and types of companies, Formation, Memorandum and Articles of Association, Prospectus, Power, duties and liabilities of Directors, winding up of companies, Corporate Governance.
MODULE – III INDUSTRIAL LAW An Overview of Factories Act, Payment of Wages Act, Payment of Bonus Act, Industrial Disputes Act.
MODULE – IV INCOME TAX ACT AND VAT Corporate Tax Planning (Basics) – Right to Information Act – Value Added Tax – Concepts, Scope, Methods of VAT Calculation, Practical Implications of VAT
MODULE - V CONSUMER PROTECTION ACT AND INTRODUCTION OF CYBER LAWS Consumer Protection Act – Consumer rights, Procedures for Consumer greivances redressal, Types of consumer Redressal Machinaries and Forums, Cyber cvimes, IT Act 2000 and 2002, Cyber Laws, Introduction of IPR – Copy rights, Trade marks, Patent Act.