
Ignou Books , Notes , Study Material , Solved Papers

Friday, 26 October 2012 14:20

Ms-1 Dec 2010

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1. What are the various skills a manager requires in an organisational set up. Briefly describe with suitable examples.

2. What are the different steps in Decision-making ? Discuss various road blocks and

ways to overcome these barriers for effective managerial decision-making. Explain with examples.

3. How does conflict impact the functioning of individuals, groups and organisations. Briefly explain with examples.

4. Identify the formal and informal organisations ? Discuss the bases for differentiation of tasks and activities within an organisation ? Explain with suitable examples.

5. Write short notes on any three of the following :

(a) The MBO Process.

(b) Mission and Objectives.

(c) Any two leadership styles.

(d) Channels of Communication.

(e) Pre-requisites for effective delegation

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